Overall project management tasks include monitoring the progress of all work done and the budget and resources used, and ensuring the timely completion of deliverables.
We will research the "profile of professional competences demanded to PhDs by companies from emerging economic sectors". In order to achieve this, a survey of at least 250 European companies from emerging economic sectors will be carried out so as to establish which would be the top ten competences that are sought after in PhDs students. The Outplacement Program (COP) for PhDs will be designed and developed after the results of that research.
Design COP
The ultimate aim of the Program is to improve employability and facilitate the integration of PhD students in companies and jobs from emerging economic sectors. Therefore an integral training model will be designed.
This activity will report on the outcomes of the piloting of the program, and testing of the developed learning materials. This is a substantial intellectual outcome that will contribute to the final guidelines with real data and figures.
The partners will develop and apply common procedures to monitor and evaluate the piloting.
A minimum of 75 PhD students from the original four Universities taking part in the project will engage in the Comprehensive Outplacement Program.
Once completed the Comprehensive Training Program (COP), a maximum of 3 students per University will be able to enjoy an internship in one of the partner companies of the project or in European companies of emerging economic sectors.
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance will focus on ensuring that all the activities, resources and objectives planned in the proposal are correctly executed, used, and achieved. This work will involve two perspectives: One related to internal quality management, based on a Quality Assurance Plan.The other one related to the external management of the quality, measured through the monitoring of the evaluation of the activities developed in the research, the design and development of the Program and the test project of the Comprehensive Outplacement Program.
Evaluation and guidelines
The evaluation and guidelines are intended to identify a set of indicators to measure the effectiveness of different aspects involved in this framework, which will become evaluation and decision-making tools in the different activities.
The evaluation plan will be developed early in the project, which will include regular and systematic reporting processes.
Communication and dissemination
This work package will ensure the communication and dissemination of the project outputs.
Although communication and dissemination will be maintained throughout the project, special emphasis will be placed on the beginning and end of each WP.